Grade 1 to 5
Years 1 and 2 of Primary school focus on a smooth transition from Pre school to a more structured learning experience for the students. In the further classes , the students are a part of an engaging curriculum based upon a stimulating and supportive learning environment that enables our students to grow into confident, responsible and independent individuals .
Language Arts
NMS's language arts program builds on the children's existing knowledge and rich linguistic experience and focuses on developing an increased competence in the use of the language arts, speaking and listening, reading and writing.
The first to third programme children take time to settle. English being a foreign language, but once settled they quickly take to it through rhymes, story-telling, reading, and recounting experiences.
Early literacy skills are supported as the children are exposed to a variety of literatures. The children are encouraged to keep journals with their own story or group poems. Display boards in classrooms reflect the varied interests of the children, and act as positive reinforcement, and encouragement from their teachers and their own peer-group. Vocabulary games give both skill and fun and games.
Social Studies
The Social Studies curriculum is a vehicle for discovery and is designed to help develop the children’s understanding of themselves as individuals, as members of various groups within society, and as members of a global community.
From giving a detailed knowledge on the basic concepts like family and neighbourhood in the initial Primary Years, to making students aware of different ideas and cultures around the world, in Grades 4 and 5, the Social Studies programme encourages students to address a question, “How do we know about the past?”
Through the curriculum, they learn that new discoveries by archaeologist, scientists, and historians change our view of history and that historical understanding matures and evolves.
Mathematics is approached in a developmental sequence, which begins by utilising the children's first hand experience to form the basis of their learning and understanding.
The thrust of the programme is on thinking, analysis logical thinking. Problem solving and number relationships are emphasised. Teachers use concrete examples manipulated with the students to help internalise mathematical concepts.
At all levels, students work on the four major operations in arithmetic as well as measurement, fractions, two and three-dimensional geometry and estimation.
The teachers aim at making children realise the transfer effect of studying Mathematics.
First graders study biology, chemistry and physics specifically exploring solids, liquids and gases before studying the human body and biology.
Second graders continue to develop their scientific investigation skills: learning about hypotheses formulation, design experimentation and maintenance of data records.
Third graders continue to explore chemical, physical and biological phenomena and concentrate on mastering important experimentation skills through a variety of topics, such as the properties of matter, the water cycle, and more.
In further classes, students are exposed to the major disciplines in the sciences to provide increased understanding of the world around them and how their bodies work. The science programme is geared to provide students with the basic skills of scientific methodology. Students use the computer as a tool, to pursue a study of food webs, motion and growth, and the structure of matter.